Addis in Dar restaurant is a can't miss spot in Dar! It's a bit outside the city, but easily accessible by cab, and nearly all drivers will be familiar with the location.
Great atmosphere: outdoor seating under the stars, great food and great service.
(Tip: They have mossie coils burning, but bring bug spray if you're worried about bites)Well run, great Ethiopian food.
No complaints whatsoever. Well run, great Ethiopian food. No complaints whatsoever.. Well run, great Ethiopian food. No complaints whatsoever. Well run, great Ethiopian food. No complaints whatsoever.
Officially a club that you need to join, but pay your 2,000 TZS and you are in for some good food.
I ate for lunch once and it was solid, but not great. Returning for dinner last night the place was transformed into what I read about from others.
There courtyard is large with probably 40 or more tables, very family friendly with a playground and lots of children running about.
Colleague of mine recommended the place and said to enjoy great food and a big stack of chipatis. Now I know what chapatis should taste like, they were truly awesome!
Sep 21, 14 03:38 PM
Sep 03, 14 12:32 AM
Sep 03, 14 12:24 AM
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