All Birders will know of the East Usumbaras and the Amani Rest House area that acts as a magnet for those who seek the special little brown jobs.
The Forest is beautiful and it is cool enough at this altitude to enjoy several walks in search of Birds (of course) but also to just enjoy the Forest and flora too.
You are unlikely to bump into anything more dangerous than a Squirrel but try not to get lost.
For birding, a knowledgeable guide is very useful as there are some tough calls here.
The accommodation is a Government Rest House, for visiting Officials, but can be used by visiting tourists by prior arrangement.
There about 6 bedrooms and a communal Lounge
area. You will have to buy your own Alcohol in the village and ask the staff to
store it in the Fridge in the Dining room.
The rooms are comfortable if basic with Nets and
are self contained with wash and toilet facilities En Suite. Hot Water is on
tap (maybe.)
The caretaker manager will prepare basic meals
for Dinner and Lunch but Omellette for Breakfast appears the norm.
The menu does not vary much with stew (Chicken/Beef etc.,) being the staple, with or without Spinach, and various styles of Potato or Rice. Carrots too sometimes.
A good practice would be to buy some Fresh fruit, Mango etc., on the drive up the mountan. Good Mangoes are 100TZ and make a fine Dessert.
Do not misunderstand. The food is wholesome and
nourishing and we had no complaint.
Sep 21, 14 03:38 PM
Sep 03, 14 12:32 AM
Sep 03, 14 12:24 AM
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