Why should you study at Kenya Institute of Business Training? To meet the costs of this challenging world, one should always Endeavour to attain quality education.
Do you want quality education that matches the current market and competition in Kenya? Then come and get the best education at Kenya Institute of Business Training in Kenya.
This page is about the background history of this college in Kenya, Courses and programs offered at Kenya Institute of Business Training, Hostel and Accommodation facilities at Kenya Institute of Business Training,
Admission forms and requirements to study at this college in Kenya, Fee structure and payment option and all you need to know about Kenya Institute of Business Training in Kenya before you waste your precious time travelling there.
Kenya Institute of Business Training is a private college in Nairobi and offers the following courses:
Kenya Institute of Business Training (KIBT) was established after a survey conducted in 1965 by the then Ministry of Economic Planning and Development, which revealed that African entrepreneurs and managers were very few.
This was because most of entrepreneurial and managerial activities were the preserve of the European and Asian Communities who controlled the economy.
KIBT was established in 1966 with the assistance of ILO/UNDP. Prior to 1980 the Institute was known as Management Training and Advisory Center (MT&AC) and its mandate was to train and develop African managers and entrepreneurs in practical business management skills.
In 1980, it was renamed Kenya Institute of Business Training (KIBT). And currently, the Institute is adepartment in the office of the Deputy Prime Minister & Ministry of Trade.
The Institute has over the years played a major role in assisting MSME operators in starting, developing and sustaining their business through our business development services (BDS) conducted all over the country.
Between 1980 and 1987 Regional Business Training Centers were established in Mombasa, Kisumu, Nakuru, Nyeri and Nairobi in order to take the small business training and extension services to existing and potential small and medium business person in the rural areas.
In 1987/88 the centers were however abolishes due to inadequate funds to run them.
The Institute is mandated to provide Entrepreneurial and Managerial Training, Business Research, Information, Consultancy and Counselling Services to Micro, Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (MSMEs) and other Interest Groups.
“To Become an Institution of Excellence in Entrepreneurship and Management Development Services in African Region.
“To provide Entrepreneurial and Managerial Development Services to Micro, Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (MSMEs) and other Interest Groups through; Training, Research, Counselling, Consultancy, Extension Services, and Business Information for improved performance”.
Kenya Institute of Business Training Contacts
Phone 020-3742911, 020-3751370, 020-3742912,020-3751370
Postal Address 39475 00623 Nairobi
E-mail info@kibt.ac.ke
Website www.kibt.ac.ke
Sep 21, 14 03:38 PM
Sep 03, 14 12:32 AM
Sep 03, 14 12:24 AM
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