Are searching for Nairobi Information guide? Are you coming to Nairobi for the first time? Tourist Information about Nairobi is here for you at this page.
Kenya’s unit of currency is the shilling (KShs) (slang: Bob).
There are no currency restrictions into or out of Kenya for currency transactions.
Forex bureau are available both at the airport and at the city centre with various currencies being traded.
As in other countries, it is advisable to hand in your passport, traveler’s cheques, excess money and any other valuables at hotel reception desks for placing in their safe security.
Alternatively, where available, arrange to hire a safety deposit box.
It is a sensible precaution not to walk alone in isolated towns or beach areas.
Ask advice from your hotel manager or tour representative.
In general people are extremely friendly in Kenya and you will be humbled by their hospitality try and take the time to meet ordinary people going about their day to day business too.
The experience will be worth it. Don't be afraid to step out of that tour bus, just take some precautions.
Basic Safety Rules for Travelers to Kenya
• Make a copy of your passport and keep it in your luggage.
• Don't walk on your own at night in the major cities or on empty beaches.
• Don't carry too much cash with you.
• Wear a money belt that fits under your clothes.
• Don't carry a lot of camera equipment especially in the major cities.
Most international credit cards are accepted in Kenya.
• Standard chartered bank allows access to over 60 moneylink ATM’s situated at all its branches, major shopping malls, and other strategic locations country wide.
• Barclaycash ATMs can accept any international VISA and MASTERCARD credit cards.
• Moneylink also enables holders of VISA cards to link up to their home bank or credit card account through moneylink ATMs.
• Travellors cheques are also readily recognizable and accepted at most places.
Several vaccinations are highly recommended, they include:
• Yellow Fever
• Typhoid
• Hepatitis A
• Diphtheria
It is also recommended that you are up to date with your polio and tetanus vaccinations. Contact a travel clinic at least 3 months before you plan to travel.
Nairobi Information on Malaria
There's a risk of catching malaria when you travel in Kenya. The highlands used to be a low-risk area, but even there you have to be careful and take precautions.
Kenya is home to the chloroquine-resistant strain of malaria as well as several others.
Make sure your doctor or travel clinic knows you are traveling to Kenya (don't just say Africa) so s/he can prescribe the right anti-malarial medication. Learning tips on how to avoid malaria will also help.
Nairobi Information on visas
Following recent legislation by the Kenyan government, European visitors do not require a tourist visa to enter Kenya, but entry business visas are required.
Sep 21, 14 03:38 PM
Sep 03, 14 12:32 AM
Sep 03, 14 12:24 AM
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